Welcome to the Almost Real Products Portal Page
Almost Real Products (ARP) is a fictitious company that offers a very real online job application experience. AlmostRealProducts.com offers all job seekers, ages 14 and up, the opportunity to practice completing job applications and taking pre-employment tests and surveys. Virtually identical to those required by businesses as they move more and more of their hiring processes to online applications, AlmostRealProducts.com is better than real. Unlike real job application websites, all surveys and assessments on AlmostRealProducts.com are scored instantaneously, providing immediate feedback to users who can use results to develop a better sense of their job readiness. Additionally, AlmostRealProducts.com allows students and/or clients to print out completed pages for review with instructors, who can review deficiencies and close knowledge gaps. Users can access the system as often as desired, improving their performance and as a result, their ability to clear the first hurdle in securing an interview and eventually, a job.
Access to AlmostRealProducts.com is through an annual subscription offered for exceptionally reasonable pricing. For more information on available subscriptions, click here.
AlmostRealProducts.com does not collect any data entered by any individual. When a user clicks on any of the 'Submit' buttons, all personal data entered on any form on the website is erased - no information is ever captured. Instructors or users must print all documents prior to 'submission' or all data entered will be lost.